Forgiveness Quotes | Inspirational Quotes Best and Most Inspirational Quotes About Forgiveness

by - September 16, 2019

These quotes are from the book Forgiveness is Power, which is availble from: Amazon USA | Amazon UK | World Wide
Or search "isbn 9781844096282". Additions are also published in India, Taiwan and China.
All author income from sales of Forgiveness is Power goes to support The Global Forgiveness Intiative.
These Inspirational Quotes are a wonderful way of getting inspired and uplifted. They are excellent as your thought for the day. We become more forgiving as we have more forgiving thoughts. We have more forgiving thoughts as we pay we pay attention to more forgiveness quotes! These quotes can help you get motivated to forgive a specific situation, or just to be generally more forgiving.
“Tough Forgiveness: Forgiveness can include, ‘Goodbye'” – William Fergus Martin.
“Forgive to win!” – William Fergus Martin.
“There are many alternatives to Forgiveness, but none of them are sane.” – William Fergus Martin.
“The main alternative to Forgiveness is insanity.” – William Fergus Martin.
“The madness caused by lack of Forgiveness is widespread, but it is still madness.” – William Fergus Martin.
“Forgive or be unhappy. Which do you prefer?” – William Fergus Martin.
“You hurt yourself more by not forgiving than by anything done to you by another.” – William Fergus Martin.
“When you do not forgive you magnify the hurts you have received, but blame the other for the pain you now cause yourself.” – William Fergus Martin.
“When you do not forgive your are blaming someone else for the pain you are actively maintaining in yourself.” – William Fergus Martin.
“The desire to hurt, kills you.” – William Fergus Martin.

Where to get Forgiveness is Power:
These quotes are from the book Forgiveness is Power, which is availble from: Amazon USA | Amazon UK | World Wide
Or, find it via search "isbn 9781844096282" or for: William Fergus Martin, Forgiveness is Power.

Part One: Forgiveness Is The Power to Choose

  • When you forgive you win. – Forgiveness is Power, William Fergus Martin.
    • “Why Forgive?” p. 12
  • Forgiveness is the power to choose how things affect you. – Forgiveness is Power, William Fergus Martin.
    • “Why Forgive?” p. 15
  • Forgiveness is choosing to be happy. – Forgiveness is Power, William Fergus Martin.
    • “What is Forgiveness?” pp. 18 and 19
  • Forgiveness is simply freeing ourselves from wanting to punish. – Forgiveness is Power, William Fergus Martin.
    • “What is Forgiveness?” p. 18
  • We experience what we intend for others. – Forgiveness is Power, William Fergus Martin.
    • “What is Forgiveness?” p. 19
  • Fear is wisdom as a child. – Forgiveness is Power, William Fergus Martin.
    • “Reconciliation” p. 23
    • Cf. “Guilt and Company” p. 69
  • Forgiveness is always possible, but reconciliation is not always possible. – Forgiveness is Power, William Fergus Martin.
    • “Reconciliation” p. 23
  • Forgiveness gives us the freedom to stay and the freedom to walk away. – Forgiveness is Power, William Fergus Martin.
    • “Tough Forgiveness” p. 29

Part Two: Blocks to Forgiveness

These quotes are from the book Forgiveness is Power, which is availble from: Amazon USA | Amazon UK | World Wide
Search "isbn 9781844096282". or for: William Fergus Martin, Forgiveness is Power.
  • To be able to forgive we must first meet the legitimate needs of the s of us that don’t want to. – Forgiveness is Power, William Fergus Martin.
    • “High Ideals and Gut Feelings” p. 38
  • We need to be willing to release ful feelings around an event in order to fully gain the benefits, which are available from it. – Forgiveness is Power, William Fergus Martin.
    • “Be Wounded, or be Wise” p. 41
    • Emphasizing that forgiving allows us to access the wisdom we can gain from an experience.
  • If we hold onto our wounds in an area of life then we hold back the growth of wisdom in that area too. – Forgiveness is Power, William Fergus Martin.
    • “Be Wounded, or be Wise” p. 41
  • A more forgiving attitude makes it easier to develop wisdom…Likewise a deeper capacity for wisdom makes it easier to forgive. – Forgiveness is Power, William Fergus Martin.
    • “Be Wounded, or be Wise” p. 42
  • Forgiveness is an act of willingness not an act of will. – Forgiveness is Power, William Fergus Martin.
    • “False Forgiveness.”
  • Practising on the small things makes it easier to forgive the big things. – Forgiveness is Power, William Fergus Martin.
    • “Irritations and Frustrations” p. 55
  • When we are absolutely sure we are right, we can be absolutely sure we are wrong. – Forgiveness is Power, William Fergus Martin.
    • “Judgement” p. 58
  • The truth is not a stick with which to beat yourself. – Forgiveness is Power, William Fergus Martin.
    • “I Just Cannot Forgive Them” p. 61
  • Cynicism is the ability to create a better world—stuck in reverse. – Forgiveness is Power, William Fergus Martin.
    • “Cynicism” p. 63
  • Cynicism is a bad tempered guard dog, which keeps biting its owner. – Forgiveness is Power, William Fergus Martin.
    • “Cynicism” p. 63
  • Cynicism is a sign of a split between our idealism and our practicality. – Forgiveness is Power, William Fergus Martin.
    • “Cynicism” p. 64
  • Much of what happens in life is emotion disguised as reason. – Forgiveness is Power, William Fergus Martin.
    • “Guilt and Company” p. 68

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